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African (Holub's)Golden Weaver
(Ploceus xanthrops)

Red-billed Buffalo Weaver
(Bubalornis niger)

Dark-backed Weaver
(Ploceus bicolor)

Red-headed Weaver
(Anaplectes melanotis)

Southern Brown-throated Weaver (Ploceus xanthopterus)

Spectacled Weaver
(Ploceus ocularis

Village Weaver
(Ploceus cucullatus)

Cape Weaver
(Ploceus capensis)

Scaly-feathered Weaver
(Sporopipes squamifrons)

Lesser Masked Weaver
(Ploceus intermedius)

Sociable Weaver
(Philetairus socius)

Southern Masked Weaver
(Ploceus velatus)

Thick-billed Weaver
(Amblyospiza albifrons)

Yellow Weaver
(Ploceus subaureus)

Chestnut Weaver
(Ploceus rubiginosis)

White-browed Sparrow-weaver
(Plocepasser mahali)

African (Holub's)Golden Weaver
(Ploceus xanthrops)

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